Color-Blocking Animals with Paint Markers

A simple method for breaking down animals into simple, graphic shapes using vibrant markers!

Marker Painting Looks Fun, But I Don't Know Where to Start...

If you're anything like me, you've got piles of art supplies for that "someday" when you decide to sit down and use them.

I know I had a package of Posca Pens for six months before I saw a way to use them that finally clicked with my brain!

Painting With Markers is Simple, Instant-Gratification, and Doesn't Require Brushes or Solvent!

I'll show you how to use a handful of markers to create vibrant animal paintings - without needing any extra supplies or mediums! These are great for traveling, for relaxation, or for your new favorite art form.

In This Recorded Class You'll Learn:

How to see your markers in values, which will help you create an image that holds together - even if you're using neon colors!

An easy way to pick a beautiful color scheme for your painting that will give you plenty to work with while staying simple.

Techniques like:

  • What marker brand and colors I recommend
  • How to side-step drawing and go straight to shapes
  • How to layer and combine colors in a beautiful way

Class Format

1-hour live online class, with a combination of painting demonstrations and technical tips.

Course Outline

  • Introduction & Materials
    My favorite markers and colors, and how to prime them and take care of them without wasting too much paint.
  • How to See Colors As values
    How to use a value scale (included with class!) to see your markers as values so that you can create strong images.
  • What Makes a Good Reference Image
    How to evaluate your photo references to see if there are good shapes for the color-blocking method.
  • Determining Your Palette
    My favorite method for finding a simple but beautiful range of colors that give me plenty to play with.
  • Painting Demonstration: A Color-Blocking Marker Painting from Start to Finish
    Watch me explain the entire process, including how to find beautiful shapes and layer colors.
  • Clickable Guides: Materials list and a value guide for all of the Posca pen colors.
  • Coming Soon! An expanded demo PLUS my favorite tips for painting with markers.

Also Includes

  • Downloadable Workbook with tips on materials, color palettes, simplifying shapes, and several project sheets as well as sample photos to use.

  • Bonus eBook: Value for Painters with tips on using value and a printable value scale

Class Cost: $65 $45

Available for Pre-Order Now! This class isn't quite finished, as I still have at least two more lessons to record and add. Once it's finished, the price will go up, but for the pre-order price today you get immediate access to all of the finished content PLUS any content I add in the future.

Class FAQs

Is this class only for marker artists?

Artists from all media will benefit from learning this method!

As an oil painter, using this method has changed the way I view the rest of my art, and I've taught acrylic painters, digital painters, and stained-glass artists who've also raved about the method.

Plus, it's just fun!

Do I need to know how to draw?


I'll be showing you a method that allows us to paint directly on top of photos without having to spend time sketching first.

This allows us to save time and go straight to finding beautiful shapes!

What experience level is this course for?

I've designed this class so that no matter what level of experience you have, you'll have fun and learn something new!

Whether you're looking to get started in markers, to learn a new method of easy-to-transport painting, to sharpen up your shape-finding and color skills, or just break out of your regular studio practice and play, this class is for you.

Copyright © 2024 Whitney Michelle Hall, The Curious Painter